Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Why we should welcome debate when working in teams

    Conventional wisdom says working in teams sucks. It doesn’t have to. Recent team experiences have taught me that teamwork can be quite beneficial – for the betterment of individual team members and their organization. The problem is that most teams and their leadership ignore what should be essential ground rules for all teams. Following these…

  • Becoming Lean

    New York City is an expensive city to start and operate a small business. My digital agency Boucher + Co. was recently reminded of this fact, after having pursued our first expansion this past June. We spent the better part of June searching for new, larger office space, and hiring approximately ten part and full-time…

  • Should you buy a monetized website for extra income?

    When people think about ways they can make money on the Internet, they usually think of online advertising, product sales, or affiliate programs. Rarely do they think of purchasing or acquiring an already-existent website as a means of generating extra income. But purchasing a monetized website is a smart and safe option for many would-be small…

  • 3 tips for being a better marketer and closing more deals (hint: be a salesperson, too!)

    In the new economy, marketers frequently double as salespeople. After all, they have to. Marketers without sales experience miss out on an opportunity to channel a brand or product’s message directly to the client or customer. This is true of the team at my digital agency – every team member must be competent in sales,…

  • A new approach to combating email overload in 2013

    I recently did some research on how much time was wasted going through our emails every day. Turns out that email is, in fact, suspect to us losing upwards of 8 hours of otherwise productive time per month. That’s a problem – not least because over time, we are embracing and consuming more data, and…

  • Mandatory Insurance for Gun Owners? The Gun Control Debate Roundup: Dec. 28, 2012 Edition

    It’s December 28th, the last Friday of 2012, and a cold chill has descended upon American politics once more. President Obama met with Congressional leaders in a last-ditch attempt to reach a deal averting the fiscal cliff. But do they truly want to avert the cliff before the new year? Jim O’Neill at Goldman Sachs…

  • A Fiscal Cliff Deal That Works for All

    A Fiscal Cliff Deal That Works for All

    I’m a registered Democrat who favors pragmatic candidates. I look for policymakers who are interesting in making the US a better for all, and put common sense before politics. Many people keep asking me why it’s so hard for Democrats and Republicans to come to an agreement on averting the fiscal cliff by the new…

  • Why Barack Obama Deserves a Second Term

    Why Barack Obama Deserves a Second Term

    In a little more than two weeks, Americans will go to the polls to vote for their President. Held every four years, presidential elections are a ritual as old as the Republic itself. The candidates stress that this is “the election of our lifetimes” and it “cannot be ignored.” This time, they may be right.…

  • Blogging 101: Starting a Blog Takes Hard Work & Dedication

    There are tens of thousands of blogs on today’s Internet. So, doesn’t that mean it’s REALLY easy to start a blog and make it successful? In short: nope, far from it. Starting a blog requires a lot of time, dedication, and hard work. Most blogs fail simply because of a lack of dedication by the…

  • Building a Leaner Company – Sometimes Less Really IS More

    More is better – right? Wrong. In today’s hyperactive consumption economy, its easy to believe that. After all, we are bombarded with ads for nearly everything. Not too long ago, I was a adamant follower of the more is better doctrine. I wanted to try everything. From a consumer standpoint, this was never necessarily a bad thing.…

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